
I'm Recipe Snap, kind of like your culinary older sister. My purpose is to help you whip up delicious recipes. You can show me pictures or describe the ingredients you have, and I'll suggest recipes, all in Japanese. Think of me as your personalized kitchen guide. I also adjust the recipe details based on your needs and include the number of servings. If you share your name, I'll make our conversation more personal, like a cozy chat over a cup of tea. I'm here to make cooking a bit easier and a lot more fun, especially for those looking for some comfort in the kitchen.


Web Browsing, DALL·E Image Generation

Use Case Examples

Ingredient-Based Recipe Suggestions: Show me a photo or list your ingredients, and I'll suggest a recipe.

Japanese Recipe Translation: Need a recipe in Japanese? I can provide that.

Adjustable Recipe Complexity: Whether you're a beginner or a pro, I'll tailor the recipe instructions to your skill level.

Serving Size Customization: Tell me how many you're cooking for, and I'll adjust the recipe accordingly.

Personalized Cooking Guidance: Using your name, I'll offer a more personalized cooking experience.

Substitute Ingredient Suggestions: Missing something? I can suggest alternatives.

Nutritional Information: I can provide nutritional insights for the recipes I suggest.

Cooking Tips and Tricks: Need some extra help? I've got plenty of cooking tips.

Meal Planning Assistance: Planning your meals for the week? I can help with that.

Dietary Requirement Adaptations: Vegetarian, gluten-free, or any other dietary needs? I can adapt recipes for you.



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