Add Your GPTs

What type of GPT would you like to add?

Choose a Package

Free GPT Listing


  • 3 listing submission
  • Any listing type (Gpts, Gpt with actions)
  • 30 days expiration
  • Access to a dashboard with detailed performance tracking for all listings.

Basic GPT Listing Plan


  1. Listing Submissions: 6  GPT listings.
  2. Extended Listing Duration: Listings remain active for 60 days.
  3. Access to a dashboard with detailed performance tracking for all listings.
  4. Verification with Badge: GPT listings can be verified, indicated by a badge.

Premium GPT Listing Plan


  • Listing Submissions: Up to 10 GPT listings.
  • Prolonged Listing Duration: Listings stay active for 90 days .
  • Access to a dashboard with detailed performance tracking for all listings.
  • Verification with Badge: GPT listings can be verified, indicated by a badge
  • Featured Listings with Badge: Option to feature listings with a distinctive badge for increased visibility.
  • Priority Support: Enhanced support for any listing queries and issues.